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Recent Design Projects

These are various design projects I have complete from my time at the University of Alberta, ranging from Visual Identity Designs to Way-finding Signage.

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River Valley Environmental Information Signage

In my final year of University, I was tasked with creating signage regarding the local wildlife to replace the outdated ones found throughout the Edmonton River Valley parks. With a partner, we worked together to design a layout for the signs, and I created the illustrations for the signage.

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Book Cover Re-Design

I redesigned the book trilogy, Half Bad by Sally Green to take on a more illustrated approach. These illustrations featured more insight to the plot than the previous covers did, and aimed to attract the attention of individuals in the young adult age range.

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2022 Designs

These are design projects I completed in 2022.

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ICO-D Card Game

Paired with a partner, we were tasked with redesigning the International Council of Design's professional code of conduct in a different format. Both my partner and I had experience in designing tabletop games, and therefore used our skills to develop the information form the PDF into a fun card game.

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2020 Designs

These are Design Projects I completed at the University of Alberta through the year 2020.

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2021 Designs

These are Design Projects I completed at the University of Alberta through the year 2021.

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